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Big boost for Dartmoor?

DARTMOOR looks set to receive a major boost with one of the area’s largest employers eyeing off a significant expansion. Alliance Timber Group is looking...

Stair climb at Bridgewater, not Melbourne, this year

EMBER the crisis response dog and her owner, Portland firefighter Natalie Brindle, would have been climbing 28 floors of Melbourne’s Crown Metropol Hotel this...

Charlie in charge

Charlie Debono now in charge of Portland and Heywood SES TWO neighbouring State Emergency Service groups are now headed-up by the same well-regarded volunteer, Charlie...

Fostering some new family dynamics

NEYSA and Mu Sutherland are thrilled they have been able to offer a little bit of care to several foster children over the past year.

Stunning central renovation

25 Palmer St, Portland$850,000Assets Real Estate PortlandPhone: 5522 SET on a 950m2 allotment one block from Portland's central business district, this beautifully restored and...

Cannabis crops found in industrial shed

A FOURTH hydroponic cannabis crop has been found growing in a Portland building, with police swooping to arrest two men at the scene and seize 170 plants on Tuesday.

Celebrating art, and it’s just the beginning

PORTLAND’S newest artistic experience has been completed, but there’s the promise of plenty more in store.

Local music page celebrated state-wide

LOCAL music initiative Glenelg Shire Musical Mates 2020 has been celebrated state-wide with front woman Rosalea Collins getting a shout out on Melbourne ABC Radio’s Melbie awards.

River mouth opens, allegations flow

WATER authority, GHCMA, is alleging the mouth of the Surry River at Narrawong was illegally opened by hand on Wednesday evening ahead of heavy rains.

It takes teamwork to make the tugs work

ASK Les Thomas what the highlight is of his 45 years as a tug boat captain, and you get the answer as quick as the rope goes over to attach on to an incoming ship – though it might not be quite what you expected.

Libbie says farewell

HUNDREDS of parents have entrusted the care of their young children to Libbie Dark – perhaps their child’s first non-family carer – over the past 21 years.

‘Sensational turnaround’ Fishing resumes, but concerns about out-of-towners

FISHING restrictions may have been lifted, and the fish are biting, but that has sparked concerns about a possible influx of out-of-towners to the region.

Championship finalists decided

PORTLAND Golf Club championships are in full swing with finalists decided after some tough quarter and semi final match ups. In the women’s open grade...