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Koala investigation continues

IT seems a long time ago – it has been 16 months in fact – but the investigation into the deaths of koalas at...

Finally, Portland aged care residents receive first vaccination

MANY Bupa Portland residents who opted to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations had them administered for the first time on Friday. The Commonwealth-managed vaccine rollout had...

New white kangaroos

WE MAY not have felt it these past few days, but the grass is definitely greener in Victoria for four new Portland residents, including...

Heywood will remember them

THE sacrifices of Heywood’s Indigenous war veterans might not have been properly recognised during their lifetimes, or for many years after, but they are...

Stress caused abalone virus: authorities

AUTHORITIES are looking at reducing the area off-limits due to the abalone virus in the coming weeks, as uncertainty remains about whether it is...

Warrnambool-referred patients receiving surgery in Portland

PORTLAND’S hospital is so well-recognised as facility for procedures that some Warrnambool hospital surgeries are now being redirected here. Portland District Health is helping South...

Business is booming, stores tell a tale of opportunities in the market

PORTLAND might be booming as a place people want to come and live in, but business is not missing out either. There have been several...

A warehouse that tells a story

WHAT do custom timber cuts, a scrap metal facility, learning how to lay bricks, building furniture for pubs and a music studio have in...

1100 feral animals shot

A TWO week-long aerial shooting campaign has seen more than 1100 feral animals – mainly fallow deer – destroyed. The campaign was completed in the...

A reunion to remember

IF you want to know how successful Saturday’s CSR Wood Panels (Softwoods) reunion was, a vote taken right at the end had the answer. More...

A century of adventures

SHE reads a Danielle Steele book a week, does word searches, is keeping on-the-ball with her footy tipping and reached 100 on April 25. Ada...

Restore, connect and protect – with a little extra help

THE swathes of native bushland that were once a familiar sight locally might be mostly gone now, but a band of volunteers is doing...

Street Car Challenge hits the strip

REV heads across the region will have the opportunity to catch a number of powerful cars cruising through the streets of Portland, thanks to...

Carjacking charges