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Probus celebrates 30 years

THE Probus Club of Portland celebrated its 30th anniversary on Tuesday, December 14 marking the occasion with a lunch at the RSL Memorial Bowling...

Carnival back in action

THE Portland Foreshore Family Carnival is back again this festive season, with rides up and running from December 26. Run by TPA Shows, the carnival...

A steel backbone to the arts

AS work continues on the new fence destined for a prominent Portland laneway, a major supporter of the project has praised the participants. Julia Street...

Christmas window display winners announced

AFTER weeks of bringing a touch of colour and twinkle to the Glenelg Shire, the winners of the 2021 Light Up Glenelg Retail Window...

Annie celebrates Christmas at home

AFTER a tumultuous year in and out of hospital, one Portland youngster will be spending her first holiday of the year at home. Three-year-old Annie...

Kola deaths – 253 charges

A LANDOWNER and two companies have been charged over the deaths of dozens of koalas at Cape Bridgewater. The Office of the Conservation Regulator, part...

Marathon for a cause

AFTER months of preparation, Heywood’s Nicola Handreck has completed the Melbourne Marathon in memory of much-loved South West resident Narla Saunders. Narla passed away earlier...

Lifesavers young and older

IT’S nippers but not by that name – a lifesaving education program for Narrawong will be back soon, while older lifeguards are being called...

Let the countdown begin

THE coming days mark a crucial time for those who want to enter the rose section of February’s Tyrendarra Agricultural Show – if you...

World’s largest jigsaw complete

PORTLAND is now home to one of the world’s largest puzzles after a Glenelg shire resident completed the project earlier this month. Portland Secondary College...

Starting a new chapter

AFTER 31 years of teaching at Bundarra Primary School, Sandra Logan, this week, retires to take the next step in her life. Ms Logan first...

Community asset officially opened

AN official opening ceremony was held for the Portland Town Jetty this week, with Glenelg Shire councillors and members of the public gathering to...

Pioneers prevail pre-season

ALTHOUGH billed as a pre-season game, Portland Basketball Stadium put on a playoffs-esque atmosphere for the matchup between two NBL1 men’s teams, Mount Gambier...