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Hopes for tariff exemption

WHILE the Federal Government works in hopes of securing an exemption from the US Government’s tariffs on aluminium and steel, workers and residents across...

Huge crowd flocks to annual Tyrendarra Show

The 107th Tyrendarra Agricultural Show was another jam-packed day of activities, animals and friendly competitions, attracting more than 1000 people from across the district...

Dyson’s sign of support pops up in front yards

HUNDREDS of yard signs have recently popped up in unison across the Federal seat of Wannon in a show of support for community Independent...

An invitation to high tea

Fashion, high tea, and live music - the Lions are putting together a fun afternoon. The Heywood Lions Club are holding a high tea this...

June start date for health network

A VICTORIAN Government plan to create 12 Local Health Service Networks across the state is one step closer to fruition, with the implementation set...

Horsing around

Crowds flocked to the Tyrendarra Show on Saturday February 8, with great competitions, excellent entertainment and fun for all. The Portland Observer covers the...

One lane only after Dutton Way landslip

PORTLAND’S Dutton Way was closed for more than 12 hours after a landslide saw local SES unit members attend the scene on the night...

Rollover closes Princes Highway

BOTH lanes of the Princes Highway, near the Bond Street intersection on the outskirts of Heywood, were closed long into the afternoon of Wednesday...

Insight into enviro future

Tickets for the Our Community, Our Environment seminar were sold out with 180 people in attendance, some from as far as Sydney. Professor Tim Flannery...

$1.2bn wind farm plan

Public comment is being sought on the proposed $1.2 billion Kentbruck Green Power Hub wind farm between Portland and Nelson, with the company behind...

Slowly but surely

Lawn Red topple perennial finalists

THE Surry District Tennis Association played out its semi-finals on Saturday March 1 with the first set of teams locked into grand final positions. In...