Craftsman takes steam bending to the masses
ONE of Victoria’s premier showcases of craftsmanship will have a double Portland influence this year.
Here is the evidence
LETTERS exchanged between the former Portland District Health board and the Health Department have cast serious doubts on the government agency’s claims that the board opposed the implementation of a report that would revolutionise the way the health service would recruit doctors.
Storer brothers dominate
PORTLAND brothers Daniel and Luke Storer have plenty to celebrate this week after claiming first and second spot at the Murray Bridge Speedway’s wingless sprints meeting on Saturday night.
Rock the riverbank with twilight cinema
ear, hits Nelson next Saturday, 19 March.
Landcare early learning
GRANTS of up to $1,000 are on offer to schools and early learning centres across Australia for environmental projects.
Libraries plan approved
A PLAN that shapes the future of Glenelg Shire libraries over the next five years has become official.
Extensions a boost to fire fighting
A SIGNIFICANT upgrade to the Heywood’s CFA building is almost complete, making it an easier run for the local fire crew.
The large extension has...
Dahlia delights
PORTLAND and the dahlia go together like hand and glove, and it is almost time for the city to again show off the glorious...
Health battle escalates. CEO speaks out on why she’s not at PDH
THE crisis that has shrouded Portland District Health has exploded out into the open, with chief executive Christine Giles, former chairman Andrew Levings and...
Festival attracts thousands
"WE’RE really thrilled.”
Those words by Wood, Wine and Roses organising committee chairman Ross Barclay neatly summed up the feeling of many involved with Glenelg...
Call for volunteers as trams almost back to ‘normal’
THEY’VE been back for a while, and are almost as good as ever, but there are a couple of things that would make life...
Long road to remediation
JANUARY’S hailstorm may have been short and sharp, but its effect on one of Portland’s major buildings is going to last a lot longer.