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Business awards are back!

THE Glenelg Shire Business and Tourism Awards Gala night is back. Since being relaunched with a new format and great fanfare in 2016, the last...

Museum revved up for reopening

THE Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum is back running after being knocked around by the January storm that left many Portland and district...

Wiggle wedding in Tyrendarra

EMMA Watkins, better known as the recently retired yellow wiggle, has been the talk of the town this week, as news spread of her...

Age doesn’t weary winning sculpture

A PORTLAND sculptor’s tribute to ageing has taken out the People’s Choice Award at the Sculpture TRAILS exhibition. ‘Creases in Time’ is Rebecca Marriott’s interpretation...

Weekend tractor trip takes the back roads

IT was a fantastic day last Saturday as fellow tractor owners of Heywood banded together for a morning trip to Hotspur Hall. The Heywood Tractor...

Rate rise drafted

MOST Glenelg Shire ratepayers are set for a larger rate increase than normal in the new financial year, due to a major change in the way rates are calculated.

Big milestone for op shop

PORTLAND and district groups have 100,000 reasons to be grateful for the Uniting Church op shop. Since beginning operation in October 2020, the op shop...

Heywood meets Collingwood for program launch

IT’S not often the head of one of the nation’s largest sporting clubs drops by Heywood for an afternoon’s footy, but Collingwood Football Club...

Great South West sustainable communities fund

RENEWABLE energy company Pacific Hydro has announced the 2022 Great South West Sustainable Communities Fund ware open as of Sunday. The fund gives local community...

No overnight doctor in urgent care

ANOTHER part of Portland hospital has fallen victim to a staffing shortage, with no doctor overnight in the Urgent Care Centre until at least...

The tractor trek is back

IT might be autumn instead of spring, but a popular Heywood event is back on this weekend. The Heywood Tractor Trek takes place Saturday and...

Wannon Candidates face off in Ararat

MEMBER for Wannon Dan Tehan faced his challengers in next month’s election for the first time on Tuesday night, in a candidate forum in...

Omissions extend Kentbruck public comment period

NEOEN Australia have been forced to extend the public comment period for the Kentbruck Green Power Hub wind farm’s Environment Effects Statement, following a...

Crash halts race