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End for wind farm

ENERGY company Pacific Blue have announced it plans to decommission one of the first commercially developed wind farms in Australia - Codrington Wind Farm. The...

Shark nips man at Nuns Beach

A PORTLAND man in his 40s has been treated at Portland hospital for a shark bite to his calf that reportedly occurred as he...

An adventurer and farmer at heart

This year’s receiver of the Andrew Jack Memorial Agricultural Scholarship is young adventurer Charlie Keiller. The 20-year-old was delighted to receive the boost to his...

Portland couple raising money for Variety Bash

Portland locals Nick and Annie Greenman are getting their 1987 XF Ford Falcon ready to take on the road for the 2025 Variety Bash...

Ready to relay

IT’S time to dust off the runners and get down to the local soccer oval for this year’s Portland and District Relay For Life...

Not too late to have Your Say

Community input is still being sought from the community on the next Glenelg Shire budget. Several community sessions have been held, and more are to...

The track maintenance crew

On occasion a weather event causes a ‘sand blow’ where the Walk is inundated or eroded with sand movement. One such recent event occurred near the...

Metalwork medal for Myamyn student

AT just 17-years-old, Myamyn student Jacob Sanderson has been rewarded for his meticulous metal fabrication skills with a gold medal as the top VETiS...

Grants available for community organisations

Community organisations working in the Glenelg Shire and dedicated to enhancing the health, education and financial stability of residents are invited to apply for...

Strong, persistent and patient

Heywood resident Ted Dyson has been on the road to recovery since suffering a stroke in March 2024, and couldn't be more grateful for...

Heywood and Nelson Men’s Shed get a boost

Heywood and Nelson Men’s Shed are receiving a significant boost to their respective construction projects. The State Government's Member for Western Victoria Jacinta Ermacora announced...

Big fines for invading seal’s space

The return of one of Portland’s most iconic visitors, a Southern elephant seal affectionately known as ‘Sammy’, has led to a number of infringement...

Championship finalists decided

PORTLAND Golf Club championships are in full swing with finalists decided after some tough quarter and semi final match ups. In the women’s open grade...