Greens candidate forced to withdraw
AS the deadline for the calling of the Federal election draws ever closer, The Australian Greens have been left scrambling to find a new...
Offshore drilling approved off south west coast
The drilling of six new exploratory gas wells off the coast of south west Victoria by
multinational petroleum and gas giant ConocoPhillips, has been...
Goodbye to Men’s Gear and Beer
After decades at the forefront of Portland clothing retailing, Janine Sheehan is hanging up the coat hanger.
Her business, Portland Men’s Gear and Beer, is...
Steampunk rally
The Wimmera Steampunk Festival blends Victoriana and imagination. Set in the 19th-century railway town of Dimboola, the event celebrates the weird and wonderful.
Art studio adds colour
An art studio has opened on Heywood’s Edgar Street, displaying the work of local artist Suesanne Hope.
Ms Hope began working full-time as an artist...
Coasters champions in Colac
IT was a successful trip to the Colac Classic junior basketball tournament for the Portland Coasters under 12 boys team, as they claimed the...
Inspiration galore at lunch
THIS year’s International Women’s Day Women in Business Portland luncheon is welcoming a guest speaker who has spent her life breaking barriers to achieve...
The OH&S champion
Portland man Mick Puche has brought home a state award, taking out the coveted WorkSafe Victoria’s Health and Safety Representative of the Year.
More than...
Truckers hit the screen
PORTLAND played host to the filming of an episode of season eleven of Aussie television show Outback Truckers on Friday February 28, as they...
Solo sailor rallying community for children in care
AN American solo-sailor who is using her skills and journey to “shine a light on, and shine a light for, young people in out...
Zero tolerance for unlawful campfires
Victoria’s fire and land management agencies are urging campers and holidaymakers to prioritise campfire safety ahead of the upcoming long weekend.
Forest Fire Management Victoria...
Community rallies for Relay For Life
PORTLAND and District Relay For Life had plenty of support on Saturday March 1 at the Portland Soccer Oval. The group raised more than...